ODS & Support Coordination FAQ

Join Mary Evrard from Allegheny County Office of Developmental Supports (ODS) on July 10 at 6 PM to learn how to find assistance for disabled teens and adults 13-22 years old.

The Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of Developmental Supports (ODS) registers eligible Allegheny County residents with

  • Intellectual Disability (ID)
  • Autism
  • Developmental Disability (DD) prior to age 9 and
  • Medically Complex Condition (MCC) prior to age 22

to connect them to Supports Coordination and other supports and services.

 Learn: What are ODS eligibility requirements? What is the registration process? How can Supports Coordinators help?

Already working with a Supports Coordinator? We’ll talk about planning and waiver funding for Home and Community Based Services. Also, considerations for Secondary Transition (students leaving the school system). Not from Allegheny County? Receive connections in other counties.

 Resources for supports and services will be shared for all, including those not eligible for ODS registration.

Individuals and families with members who are 13-22 years old are welcome to attend.

Register online or call 412-269-0334.

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