
Volunteer at Moon

Volunteers are a big part of what makes Moon Township Public Library wonderful. We have volunteers who clean, make repairs, prepare books for circulation, and even teach classes. If you’re a fan of the library and want to give back, a proud Moon Township resident looking to contribute to your community, or considering joining the library, nonprofit, or education career fields, this is a place to get involved. Want to volunteer? Great! Apply here.

Work for Us

There are no open positions at this time.

Money Donations

We accept money donations both in person and online. If you want to give us a check, address it to Moon Township Public Library and either mail it to us Attn: Heather Panella or hand it to a staff member in person. Donate online via Allegheny County Library Association’s Website. Use Amazon? Go to and set Moon Township Public Library as your charity recipient. A portion of all of your purchases will be matched by Amazon and given to the library.

Item Donations

Do you have extra books hanging around that you want to give to a good cause? Or would you like to make a gift in honor of someone’s birthday, graduation, or passing? We accept donated items or money in our Donations, Honorariums & Memorials programs. Tax receipts are available.

Item donations are accepted on the second and fourth Saturday of every month between January and September 11 AM – 2 PM.

Item Donation Guidelines

Acceptable Items Unacceptable items
  • New or gently used fiction
  • New or gently used nonfiction from the last 5 years
  • New or gently used medical, legal, or financial books from the last 3 years
  • New or gently used young adult (teen) books from the last 15 years
  • New or gently used picture books or board books
  • Unused workbooks or activity books like arithmetic practice or crossword puzzles
  • Books about Moon Township, Pittsburgh, or Pennsylvania history
  • Filthy, moldy, or damaged books
  • Books containing personal or sensitive content such as diaries or finance records
  • Books containing pornographic or highly violent visuals
  • Textbooks
  • Used workbooks or activity books
  • Medical, legal, or financial books published more than 3 years ago
  • Other nonfiction books published older than 5 years ago
  • Periodicals or magazines
  • Bibles
  • New or gently used DVDs or Blu-Rays
  • New or gently used CDs
  • New or gently used audiobooks
  • New or gently used vinyl records
  • Video games for Playstation 3 & 4, Nintendo Wii, WiiU, & Switch, XBOX 360 & XBOX One
  • Filthy or damaged items
  • Cassette or VHS tapes
  • Video games for Mac, PC, or certain handheld devices
  • Items containing personal or sensitive content such as diaries or finance records
  • Pens, pencils, permanent markers, highlighters and dry erase markers
  • Blank notebooks or notepads
  • Scissors
  • Scotch and packing tape
  • Kid-safe and non-toxic art supplies such as crayons, washable markers, or finger paints
  • Craft items such as construction paper, glue sticks, stickers, craft foam, felt, ribbons, string, PlayDoh, or glitter
  • New tissue boxes, paper towels, and menstrual pads and tampons
  • Food
  • Clothes
  • Medicine
  • Cell phones and other electronic devices

Blankets for Project Linus

Moon Township Public Library is a drop-off site for Project Linus, a nonprofit which provides blankets for children in need. Recipients include multiple Western Pennsylvania hospitals and care shelters. Blankets and blanket-making supplies must meet certain safety and health requirements and are picked up about once a month.

Blanket Requirements
  • Baby: 36 inches X 36 inches
  • Child: 40 inches X 60 inches
  • Teen: 45 inches X 72 inches
  • Most popular: 54 inches X 60 inches
Fabric Types
  • 100% cotton fabric
  • Acrylic yarn
  • Flannel
  • Fleece (single layer only)
  • Recommended: fun colors and creative designs
  • Blankets must be washable and stored in smoke and mold-free areas
  • No fringe, loose yarn ends, loose fibers, selvage, buttons, or any other choking hazards
  • No blankets made from burlap, felt, rags, tapestry, vinyl, wool, or yarn made with wool or metallic threads
  • No fabric paint. Only use markers
  • Wash & dry blankets in fragrance & dye-free detergents, lint roll off any pet hair, and remove all pins before donating

Project Linus also accepts the following supplies:

  • Card stock
  • Full or partial yarn skeins
  • Joann Fabrics gift cards
  • Postage stamps
  • Printer paper
  • Quilt batting
  • Sewing thread
  • Washable fabrics made out of cotton, flannel, or fleece for quilting

Learn more about Project Linus by going to the Project Linus PGH website or Facebook page.

American Flags for Boy Scout Troop 198

Boy Scout Troop 198 collects used or damaged American Flags to give them a proper retirement ceremony. Place your flag in the white and starred box in our lobby so it may be retired.

Honorariums & Memorials

If you have a loved one who passed away or a friend graduating college, we offer a way for you to honor their legacy and achievements. By donating at least $20 in a person’s name, you can add books, movies, or CDs to the library’s collection for other people to enjoy. When you create an Honorarium or Memorial, you choose the subject matter you’d like to feature and our staff picks items to purchase in your honoree’s name. A donation plaque with the honoree’s and donor’s names is placed inside every purchased item before it is added to our collection.

Submit your request by applying online, by emailing Director Heather Panella, or calling 412-269-0334. Your application will not be considered complete until we receive a payment of at least $20 for the item purchase(s).

Buy from Moon

Note: Some purchases are subject to sales tax.

For Sale at the Library

New release books: $2 Hardcover books: $1 Paperback books: $1 Mass-market paperback books: $0.25 to $0.50 Children’s books: $0.50 Oversize/Coffee Table Books: $5 Vintage books and vinyl records: $1 and up (individually priced) — Movies & Audiobooks: $1 CDs: $0.50 — Tote bags: $8 Mugs: $5 — Sarris candy bars: $1 Sarris chocolate pretzels: $2

Spring Book Sale

Every spring, Moon Township Public Library holds a sale in our Sky Room over a three-day weekend. Items for sale include books, movies, music, audiobooks, art and crafts.

Friends of the Library Book Sale

The Friends of the Library hold a used book sale for one week every September for discounted prices.