Summer Reading 2018: Adults

It’s Summer Reading! Here is how it works for adults (ages 18 and up).

  • Get the Adult Summer Reading packet from a library staff member. It contains the instructional sheet, a bingo card, and a reading log.
  • Register in person or online.
    • Register in person by filling out out a paper registration sheet on the Adult Services Librarian’s (Heather) desk and turn it into her or a library staff member.
    • Register online by emailing Heather at your name, phone number, email address, and home address.
  • Use the reading log to track how many books you read. For every 2 books you read, you’ll get a raffle ticket when you turn in your log to Heather or email her your progress.
  • Cross off, date, and record each book on the bingo card when you complete it. When you get a bingo, take the card to Heather or a library staff member to get a raffle ticket.
    • You can earn a raffle ticket for every bingo you complete. If you like, you can get a new card after you get a bingo or reuse the card you currently have.
  • You will also earn a ticket when you attend an adult library program.
  • Submit your tickets to win a raffle basket containing goodies like gift cards, artwork, refreshments, and snacks.

Adult Summer Reading lasts for just six weeks, so start reading ASAP!

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