On April 20 at 8 PM, Ms. Roxanne will host the joke writing game Quiplash, where players compete to write the funniest quips. Watch the stream on our Twitch page, then go to jackbox.tv on your phone or computer to play.
Register online or by calling 412-269-0334.
Each game hosts up to 8 players and lasts around 15 minutes. Non-players can participate in the Audience. We will play about 4 games.
Quiplash 3 is rated T for Teen in normal mode and E10+ (everyone 10 years & up) in Family Friendly mode. We will be playing in Family with Manual Censoring by our host, so no profanity is allowed (Slurs are never allowed, but double so in this game.)
Learn more about the game on the Jackbox website.