4th Grade Battle of the Books: Student Rules

Battle of the Books is coming! On Monday, March 4, 2019, teams will compete to show off their literary trivia expertise. Here are the rules for students participating in the 4th grade Battle of the Books.

  1. Form a team of 1-5 students in your grade level. Pick up a team application form in our library or print one at home.
  2. Get an adult to act as your Team Manager. Team Managers help teammates prepare for Battle. A teacher, relative, or school librarian can be a Team Manager. Whoever they are, they must be present during the Battle of the Books competition.
  3. Give your completed application to the Children’s Department or email it directly to our Children’s Librarian Ms. Megan. Completed registration applications are due to the school library or our Children’s Department by February 1, 2019.
  4. Assign the books to each teammate however you like, as long as everybody reads at least two books. See all the books by clicking here.
  5. Read and study the books. You can buy copies online, at bookstores, or borrow copies from the school or public library. Find out which books are available in our catalog by clicking here.
    • Hint: If you spell the last name of the author correctly, you will earn an extra point during Battle!
    • Books can only be borrowed on a library card belonging to a team member. Team Managers are not allowed to check out books for their team.
    • Each teammate can only borrow 3 books at a time. Overdue Battle Books accrue fines of $0.25 per day.
  6. Battle! Go to the Moon Middle School Gym no later than 5:45 PM on Monday, March 4 to get ready.
    • Have fun by making posters, signs, and costumes. There will be a prize for the most creative decorations!
    • Once the Battle of the Books starts, your Team Manager will leave to act as a Scorekeeper for another team.
    • Miss Megan will ask one question about each book every round. There will be three total rounds.
    • Miss Megan say each question twice. After the second time, teams will have 30 seconds to write down their answers. Answers will be specific.
    • Once 5 different questions are asked, Miss Megan will provide the answers for them. Correct answers are worth 4 points, plus 1 bonus point if you correctly spell the author’s last name. Any answer challenges will be evaluated by the librarians and their decisions are final.
    • Scorecards will be collected at the end of each round. Scores are tallied at the end of the third round.
    • If there is a tie, Battle will enter into a Lightning Round.
    • The top 3 teams will win prizes!

Are you new to Battle of the Books? Join one of our practice sessions to learn more.

January 17 at 6 PMThe Tapper Twins Go to War (With Each Other)The Wishmakers, and Cardboard Kingdom.

January 17 at 7 PM: The Last Dogs – The VanishingPilfer Academy, and Bob.

January 31 at 6 PM: Maxi’s Secrets and The Real McCoys.

January 31 at 7 PM: The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street and A Boy Called Bat.

Have questions? Call 412-269-0334 or email Ms. Megan.

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