Plant Swap

Do you have mystery plants in your garden or too many seedlings? Drop off your extra greenery at the library during our plant swap on June 22 from 11 AM to 4 PM. It’s a leave-one, take-one botanical trade.

All plants should be labeled and placed on the tables on our back patio. If you don’t know what your plant is, write your best guess, like “Tree?” or “Succulent” on it.

Extra plants are welcome, and any which are left over on Saturday will be available to everyone first-come, first-served starting Monday, June 24. Until then, everyone who wants to take a plant must donate a plant.

Participants can also bring seeds. If you’re bringing seeds to swap, label them and put them on the swap table. If you’re bringing seeds to donate to the Seed Library, be sure to provide the plant’s information and label it “Seed Library Donation”. (Write your name on the seeds, too, if you want receive credit for them in the seed catalog.)

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