UPDATE 2/4/20: Our phones are back up! Thank you for your patience.
Our phone lines are currently down. You can still contact us via Facebook or Twitter. If you have more in-depth questions, please email our staff.
Currently on duty:
- Librarian Roxanne Cain (cainr@einetwork.net) – Can answer questions about the library in general, your library account, reference questions, readers’ advisory, adult services, and technology.
- Library Assistant Kaylea Gray (kgray2@einetwork.net) – Can answer questions about the library in general, your library account, readers’ advisory, and adult and teen services.
- Library Assistant Sarah Simmons (simmonss@einetwork.net) – Can answer questions about the Children’s department.
You can also contact one of our off-duty staff members, who will reply at their earliest convenience.
We apologize for the inconvenience.